
Somos un equipo de profesionales cuyo objetivo es transmitir la gran diversidad cultural del Perú en forma creativa, dinámica, vivencial y holistica en un ambiente armónico y en contacto con la naturaleza, reafirmando nuestro vínculo con a madre tierra y cosmovisión andina...

viernes, 13 de abril de 2012

Ayahuasca Retreats 4D/3N

We are not talking of patients, but rather of participants who will have the opportunity to experience the benefits of the Andean and Amazonian Spiritual Medicine, especially that of the MOTHER PLANT AYAHUASCA, to start their personal healing path to harmony: physical, spiritual, mental and emotional harmony.

The ayahuasca retreats are formulated for people looking for a serious and deep connection with the Spirit and the “PLANT MASTER”.

You must have deep motivations for wanting to heal your body and discover the ways of self balance and spiritual and emotional growth. We ask participants to have will, patience and faith, because through these principles we will achieve a harmonious relationship with the Pacha Mama (Mother Nature).

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