
Somos un equipo de profesionales cuyo objetivo es transmitir la gran diversidad cultural del Perú en forma creativa, dinámica, vivencial y holistica en un ambiente armónico y en contacto con la naturaleza, reafirmando nuestro vínculo con a madre tierra y cosmovisión andina...

viernes, 13 de abril de 2012

Hatun Karpay Phaña 2012

The HATUN KARPAY PHAÑA or initiatory journey the right side corresponds to the trip instruction the "mystical side" of the Andean tradition and from the teachings of Benito QORIWAMAN VARGAS. The continued practice of this ritual can connect with the mystical and spiritual powers

In Cuzco, specifically, it seeks to connect the energy of the Ciudadela of Machu Picchu (according to the Andean spiritual geodesy corresponds to the "Quenti" or hummingbirds) and unite with the energy of the temples of Wiraqocha and Pachacamac.

Learning this technique will allow you to increase your personal power, delving into the use and management of energy in the art of Kausay Puriy. As in the case of HATUN KARPAY the left side, it works on ancient sites of power using the basic techniques of Andean art: Saminchakuy, Juchamijuy and Saywachakuy.

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